A Timeline



A Timeline





  Major Battles:
  • (1337) Battle of Cadsand - the first use of the English longbow on French land.

  • (1340) Battle of Sluys- Edward III destroys the fleet of Philip VI of France off the coast of Flanders.

  • (1345) Battle of Auberoche- a longbow victory by Henry, Earl of Derby against a French army in Gascony.

  • (1346) Battle of Crécy- English longbowmen defeat French cavalry at Abbeville.

  • (1346–1347) Siege of Calais.

  • (1350) Les Espagnols sur Mer- English fleet defeats Castilian fleet.

  • (1351) Combat of the Thirty- Thirty French Knights defeat thirty English Knights.

  • (1356) Battle of Poitiers Edward the Black Prince captures King John II of France, France plunges into chaos.

  • (1364) Battle of Auray- end of Breton War of Succession French defeat.

  • (1367) Battle of Nájera (Navarette)- Black Prince defeats a Castilian/French army at Nájera in Spain.

  • (1372) Battle of La Rochelle- Castilian-French fleet defeats the English fleet.

  • (1380) Castilian fleet commanded by Fernando Sánchez de Tovar sacks and burns English port towns.

  • (1415) Battle of Agincourt- English longbowmen defeat the French.

  • (1416) English defeat greater French army at Valmont near Harfleur.

  • (1418) Siege of Rouen- Henry V of England gains a foothold in Normandy.

  • (1419) Battle of La Rochelle- Castilian fleet defeats Anglo-Hanseatic fleet.

  • (1421) Battle of Bauge- The French and Scottish forces of Charles VII defeat an outmaneuvered English force.

  • (1423) Battle of Cravant- The French and Scottish army is defeated at Cravant on the banks of the river Yonne.

  • (1424) Battle of Vernuil- The Scots forces are defeated.

  • (1426) The Rout of St James- French besieging army broken up by a small force, in Brittany.

  • (1429) Battle of the Herrings- English force defeats French and Scottish armies.

  • (1428) Siege of Orléans- English forces lay siege to Orleans, and are forced to withdraw after a relief army accompanied by Joan of Arc arrives at the city.

  • (1429) Battle of Patay- In a reverse of Agincourt/Crécy, a French army under Joan of Arc and other commanders break through English archers and then pursue the other sections of the English army, killing or capturing about half (2,200) of their troops.

  • (1435) Battle of Gerbevoy- La Hire defeats an English force.

  • (1439) Following a surprise attack, the English broke up a French army of 6000 at Avranches in Normandy.

  • (1440) The English take Harfleur.

  • (1450) Battle of Formigny- A French force defeats an English force.

  • (1453) Battle of Castillon- The French defeat John Talbot (an important English commander) ending the Hundred Years' War. This was also the first battle in European history where the cannon was a major factor.


Picture from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Battle_of_Castillon.jpg